By AV Magazine in Audio September 1, 2022 0
The company has been a major player in the advancement of the Avnu Test Tool, which was required for certification of its intelligent loudspeakers, as a result of the complexity of their network topology.
Adamson Systems Engineering’s CS-Series line of intelligent loudspeakers is now Milan Certified, ensuring inter-operability with all other Milan Certified devices on the same network, regardless of manufacturer.
The complexity of the CS-Series’ network topology, which was designed to allow end users to set up their system in a similar manner to industry-leading passive systems, meant that certification required the advancement of the Avnu Test Tool – and Adamson has been a key partner in its development over the past 18 months.
Brian Fraser, Adamson’s head of product and technology, said: “We’re thrilled to be a part of the group that defined the parameters of the Avnu test tool. With the approval of the CS-Series line of products using this tool, we can now offer the industry’s first Milan Certified line array products that allow the user to daisy-chain networked audio between enclosures, while adhering to defined presentation time limits.”
Adamson CS-Series intelligent loudspeakers include switch fabric, which allows control data and the Milan audio network to be daisy-chained cabinet to cabinet, while still meeting specified presentation times. This creates the lower cable counts required to connect to arrays of loudspeakers, giving fewer potential failure points, less cable weight, easier set-up and an overall cleaner look.
Adamson has been a major benefactor behind the development, verification and validation of the Milan compliance test tool known as Avnu Express Test Suite (AETS) for Milan Advanced Certification. The company has participated in weekly review meetings in a work group; run interim releases of AETS on in-house test benches; validated tests that passed and analysed packet capture logs for tests that failed; reported on bugs; and updated working Avnu documents.
Milan is a standards-based deterministic network protocol for real-time media, created and maintained by Adamson. Milan Advanced Certified products must pass 180 tests including Milan redundancy and Milan AVDECC (audio video discovery, enumeration, connection management and control protocol).
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