Are you having trouble with the sound from your smart speaker? Here are five fixes if your Alexa sounds muffled.
Alexa is available on many devices and even on your phone. Not all of these devices have the highest sound quality, however. An Echo Dot isn’t going to be able to produce the same range of sound as a Sonos One, for example. While the sound quality is usually good enough for most needs, you may find that the sound from your device is too muffled for your liking.
Here are five fixes for when your Alexa sounds muffled.
Amazon provides regular updates for its Echo devices. Sometimes these updates can have less-than-desirable effects, such as impacting the sound quality of Alexa’s voice. These problems are usually fixed in subsequent updates, however. Updates typically happen automatically, but if your Echo device is busy, it may not have been updated yet. If your Alexa sounds muffled, try updating your Echo device to see if this helps.
To update an Echo device:
If your Alexa sounds muffled when playing music, then you can change the equalizer settings for your device to try to improve things. You can change these settings either through the app or by voice command. Note that changing the equalizer settings has no effect on Alexa’s voice, so if your problem is muffled speech, this fix won’t help.
To change your Echo device’s equalizer settings in the app:
To change your Echo devices equalizer settings by voice:
Another possible cause of your Alexa sounding muffled is the sound being dampened by objects in proximity to your speaker. For example, if your device is on a windowsill close to some drapes, this may dampen the output from your speaker.
Try repositioning your Alexa device to see if this makes any difference. You could also try placing it on a raised stand to stop some of the sounds from getting lost in the surface it’s standing on.
If you’re having trouble with Alexa’s voice being muffled and difficult to understand, you may have better luck trying a different voice. You can change Alexa’s voice to another location with the same language as your own to see if this improves things.
To change Alexa’s voice:
If none of the above fixes work, the problem may be that the muffled Alexa voice is the best you can get out of your device. This could be due to a defective speaker or the small speakers used in some of the smaller Echo devices. As a final resort, you can try connecting an external speaker to your Echo device.
To connect an external speaker to Alexa via Bluetooth:
To connect an external speaker to Alexa with an audio cable:
If your Alexa sounds muffled, one of the fixes above will hopefully help. Smaller Echo devices will inevitably have poorer sound quality than the devices with larger, more high-quality speakers, so it may be the case that your only solution is to use an external speaker or to upgrade your Echo device.
Once your sound problems are fixed, you can enjoy all the benefits that Alexa can offer. There is so much that can be controlled via Alexa. You can control an Xbox One, your Fire TV, and even your Amazon Prime Photos. If you want a bit of fun, you can even set up an Alexa intruder alert to scare off anyone that breaks into your home.
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