NEW COMMUNITY CHURCH, 321 N. Birch St., will present its annual Women’s Day on Sunday and the community is invited to attend. At 11 a.m. the speaker will be Janice Lockett, first lady at New Community. Lockett and the pastor/apostle, Patrick Lockett, have been married for 34 years. They have three daughters and one son. She is a missionary, Sunday School teacher, head of the Women’s Group at New Community, but most of all, she says she’s running this race for the sake of Christ. At 3 p.m. the guest speaker will be Cleo Cooper of Mt. Gale Baptist Church of Conway. Cooper is the wife of the Rev. Forrest C. Cooper and the mother to two daughters. For 28 years, Cooper has been sharing her personal testimony and teaching others to have faith and stand on God’s word. Some of her recent themes include “Watch What You Say,” “What’s Weighing You Down?” and “The Peace of God.”
ST. ANDREW MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH, 5810 W. Malcomb St., will be honoring member Ruthie Phillips during the worship service at 11 a.m. Sunday. Phillips will be celebrating a birthday and will be recognized for her faithful service as the church clerk at St. Andrew and as a long standing member, a spokesman said in a news release. The Rev. Richard Hart is the pastor at St. Andrew.
FIRST TRINITY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, 800 Catalpa St., will conduct summer revival at 9 a.m. Sunday and 6:45 p.m. Monday and Tuesday. The guest evangelist is Supervisor Romanetha Stallworth from Louisville, Ky. Stallworth has traveled the United States as well as foreign countries for many years sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Come and be blessed by this anointed woman of God,” a spokesman said in a news release.
FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH, 4500 Faucett Road, will celebrate the 21st anniversary of the pastor and wife, the Rev. and Mrs. Charles S. Boyd Sr., at 11 a.m. Sunday. The guest speaker will be the Rev. James C. Boyd, pastor of Unity Missionary Baptist Church of Chicago, Ill., and the theme will be “The Shepherd serving the sheep in the pandemic,” John 21:15-17. The pastor’s wife, Elfreda Boyd, will be honored during the first lady’s event at 10 a.m. Saturday and the theme will be “A faithful partner in the gospel,” Phil. 1:3-6.
SUMMIT BAPTIST CHURCH, 901 Ridgway Road, will host a patriotic concert by the Summit Soundz Celebration Band at 6 p.m. Saturday. The concert is free and open to the public. The band includes high school and college students from Jefferson County and area band directors. There will be a time to honor all veterans and current military personnel. A free-will offering will be accepted for the band’s scholarship fund.
FIRST TRINITY CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, 800 Catalpa St., will hold a giveaway from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday. The CityServe Gift Ministry will give away items such as household goods, lawn equipment, home decor, personal hygiene products, and covid-19 supplies on a first come, first served basis to the general public.
Church news is printed in The Commercial on Fridays. The deadline to submit church announcements is noon Wednesdays. Pastors, ministers or others interested in writing for the Devotional Page may also submit columns for consideration. Column writers should have connections to Southeast Arkansas. Articles should be submitted by email to Details: (870) 534-3400, ext. 5.
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