Located in Queensland, Australia, the Pentecostal Emerge Church turned to Powersoft’s T series amplifiers as part of a major upgrade of its in-house audio system.
The church features a 450-seat auditorium, which required a top-notch AV setup to deliver daily church services, including a band of drums, bass guitar, electric and acoustic guitars as well as keyboards and vocalists. .
The new speaker setup consists of eight AT Professional TLA508 line-array cabinets, four per side, as well as two AT Professional CLA LF3200 18-in subs under the stage. Both the loudspeakers and existing EV front fills are powered by Powersoft’s T604 amplifiers, providing 6,00W and four-channel audio.
Signal processing is handled by the T604s, via a built-in loudspeaker DSP, while input signals are delivered via the on-board Dante capability.
Rob Camilleri, head audio engineer, Pentecostal Emerge Church, commented: “The new AT Professional PA system and Powersoft amplification combination has delivered our goal of even coverage and clear audio with exceptional results.
“We thoroughly recommend and endorse the Powersoft amplifier platform and AT Professional for their exceptional customer service and quality products.”