12:42 pm September 22, 2022 By Julian Horsey
If you are your family members suffer from hearing difficulties you may be interested in a new speech clarifying TV speaker equipped with Audiblewave technology. Designed in Japan, the Mirai Speaker has been created to help users with trouble hearing enjoy using their home entertainment systems such as TV, computers or even radio when using conventional speakers. “More than 85 percent of people with hearing loss found that they could hear and understand dialog better when using the Mirai Speaker” say its creators. Mirai has been specifically created to help those with mild to moderate hearing loss better understand and enjoy audio for a wide variety of different sources.
Early bird pledges are now available for the interesting project from roughly $211 or £176 (depending on current exchange rates), offering a considerable discount of approximately 50% off the retail price, while the Indiegogo crowd funding is under way.
“More than 37 million Americans have difficulty hearing. As we get older, hearing loss is the norm. Our ears have taken a lot over the years, kids banging pots and pans, loud tools and machines, music or concerts turned up a bit too high, fireworks, you name it. A full life is usually a loud one! It does this through its cutting edge AudibleWave technology. This technology uses a curved panel design to produce clear, crisp, and distinct sound waves that broadcast speech and dialog with high clarity throughout the room.”
If the Mirai campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and the project progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around September 2022. To learn more about the Mirai speech clarifying TV speaker project checkout the promotional video below.
Watch this video on YouTube.
“Unlike conventional speakers that broadcast the majority of the sound they produce straight ahead, Mirai Speaker’s curved panel AudibleWave technology broadcasts sound evenly throughout the room. This makes the TV easier to hear for everyone, without having to turn up the volume or change seats. Professional sound simulation from data acquired by Kan Okubo, Assistant Prof. of Tokyo Metropolitan University.”
For a complete list of all available pledge options, stretch goals, extra media and specifications for the speech clarifying TV speaker, jump over to the official Mirai crowd funding campaign page by following the link below.
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