ATHABASCA, Alta. — The words ‘Alberta’ and ‘renaissance’ may not seem to go together but Ian Hill knows Albertans and is predicting the province will lead the next one.
Hill will be speaking at the Power Up North conference being held in Athabasca Sept. 20-22 and he will be sharing his inspirational ideas and effusive personality with attendees, because he loves to talk, as proven by his Guinness World Record for longest speech.
“We're kicking it off with a with a four-hour pre-conference, and it’s called ‘Catalyst for the Renaissance,’” Hill said in a Sept. 6 interview. “Because here's my bet— my bet is on Albertans and my bet is on the find-a-way, make-a-way attitudes that I've seen from the (oil) patch to a beet farmer, from someone in Banff to someone who resides in Fort Chipewyan. It’s that find-a-way, make-a-way attitude, that rugged individualism.”
And Hill isn’t joking, saying after every known pandemic there is a rebirth, a revival, a renaissance, and if it can start anywhere, it can certainly start in Alberta.
“I believe Albertans can be the catalyst for the renaissance,” he said. "The skills, abilities, and competencies to win the battles behind this aren't the skills, abilities, and competencies to win the battles before us. We're in unprecedented times so, it takes some new tools, some new skills.”
Which is why he is excited to be bringing the topic to the conference.
“At this conference are going to be community leaders (both) formal and more importantly, informal,” said Hill. “Business tourism, economic development; people who make the town grow. The informal leaders are the key to success in the 21st century but they’ve got to be equipped with new tools.”
So, Hill will be talking about how people can be catalysts in their own workplace, business, and community to spark the rebirth.
“We're going to talk about the tools that are necessary, the competencies that are necessary and that's how we'll kick off the conference,” he said. “And that's an eight-week program. It kicks off there for four hours at the conference but then we will take it virtual.”
Eight weeks of continued support and learning from Hill.
“It's a comprehensive learning opportunity, it's not just a one-off pep talk," said Hill. “We're gonna walk through the tools (then) have eight weeks' worth of interactivity through email and an online platform where these leaders can get the tools that they need to be successful so they can go out and be the catalyst for the renaissance.”
Hill said people are suffering, they aren’t sure which way to go, like a collective PTSD, so showing them the tools in the toolbox, then working on those tools for eight weeks will empower ordinary people every day.
“Let the people closest to the problem solve their own problems, they’re the best equipped,” he said. “They have the most knowledge, they have the most insight and operational expertise, they have on the ground insight and wisdom. Give them the support that they need and then get out of the way and let them solve their problems.”
Hill also has his bona fides, he’s not new to sparking change in the world as a humanitarian, business leader, a social innovator, professional development pioneer and more.
“I have travelled the whole province whether it was helping with the playgrounds, skate parks, or whether it was involved in other provincewide initiatives,” he said. “I believe in Alberta, and I mean that in a real way. I know that if Albertans set their mind to something, that happens.”
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About the Author: Heather Stocking
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