Nixa school board bans books amid contentious meeting

2022-05-13 23:51:20 By : Ms. Vivian Song

After two hours of public comment, Nixa's school board voted Thursday night to ban two books from their high school shelves and restrict another.

At their regular meeting, the board was tasked with deciding the fate of three of 16 books that had been challenged by parents. Of those, queer memoirs "Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic" and "All Boys Aren't Blue: A Memoir-Manifesto" were banned.

A third book, "Homegoing" was restricted — meaning it will be provided to a student with parental permission but will not be placed on high school shelves.

The board voted unanimously to remove "Fun Home." Board members voted to restrict "Homegoing" except Bridget Bidinger, who voted to remove it. Five board members voted to remove "All Boys Aren't Blue" — with Heather Zoromski and Mike Copeland moving to retain the book with restrictions.

According to a presentation made to the board, "Fun Home" has been checked out 12 times in the past three years and the other two books had only been checked out two times in that same time period.

Complaints against the books stem from private Facebook group "Concerned Parents of Nixa," which has 250 members. According to its public description, the group formed with the goal of "fighting questionable books, curriculum and other materials such as sex education in Nixa Public Schools."

Before last year, Nixa had only seen one formal complaint against a book in the past 15 years.

"Fun Home" is the award-winning graphic memoir of Alison Bechdel — telling the story of her childhood as a lesbian and the strained relationship with her gay and closeted father.

Parent Carissa Corson requested the book to be removed for its graphic sexual content.

"Completely inappropriate for minors! Your online catalogue even says 'includes adult content.' This book contains pornography."

More:Nixa High School students oppose effort to remove books from library shelves

According to Corson, the alleged pornography includes full-frontal male genitalia, oral sex scenes, pedophilia, grooming, and topless women.

Corson also filed the complaint against "All Boys Aren't Blue," which is the memoir of George M. Johnson — telling the story of his childhood as a Black and queer kid.

According to Corson, the book contains "graphic" oral and anal sex and "all copies should be removed."

"Homegoing" portrays a series of vignettes of many generations of one family who were brought to America in the Atlantic slave trade.

Of the 16 books, seven have been restricted — including "Homegoing" — two have been banned, one has been placed back on shelves and six have yet to be adjudicated.

Books that have yet to be appealed to the board include:

"The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood was challenged by parents but has not yet been appealed to the board after the district decided to keep it on their shelves

Before taking their vote, school board members stressed the importance of civility and hearing debate from both sides — several commenting on the difficulty of their decision.

"I think what I got from this evening is that everybody in this room, everybody wants what's best for kids. As human beings we need to remember that even though we have a different definition of what's best for kids, we are united," said one board member.

More:Nixa High School has fielded 17 requests to remove books from its library since February

Two hours of testimony from parents, community members, and students often devolved into boos, cheers and standing ovations.

Sitting in the front rows were more than a dozen Nixa high school students who came to speak against the bannings.

"Students are more mature than anything and most have the ability to handle complex themes or topics presented in these books. Slavery, racism and other issues are examples of mature topics that students learn in elementary and middle school. By the time students reach high school, they can navigate these topics on their own without the guidance of a teacher or parent," said Nixa junior Justice Jones.

Jones added that parents currently have the right to stop their children from checking out the challenged books from the school library.

"Although these books may not be appropriate for all students, it is unfair to limit the choice for every student. Whether or not a student should read a particular book is solely between them and their parents," Jones said.

Another student speaker stressed that no one is forced to read any of these books. 

“It is a student's personal choice to engage with them. If they feel uncomfortable, they can stop reading or skip pages. However, all students lose access to diverse ideas when books are restricted, said Junior Meghana Nakkanti. 

“If a parent is concerned about the material in a book, they can request that the librarians withhold certain books from their students. Another possibility is the addition of special tags or content learnings to help students determine if a book is appropriate for them. These designations can ensure transparency while still providing students access.” 

The students collected 316 signatures from their classmates asking for the books to remain in the library.

"These signatures represent students from all grades, genders, ethnicities, who believe they will benefit from access to these books in the library without restriction," Jones said.

Many of the parents at the meeting argued for all the books to be removed from shelves — calling them pornographic.

"Excerpts from these books are so egregious and explicit, it would defeat the purpose of our mission to read them out loud in front of minors," Corson said.

Along with many other speakers at the meeting, Corson called for the Nixa high school librarian to resign for allowing these books into the school.

"If (the school board) voted to keep these books on the shelf, you belong on a national registry. I'd like to call for the resignation of the Nixa High School librarian," Corson said to cheers and boos from the respective sides. 

"They have abused their authority to expose our children to pornographic books and instead of apologizing, they double down and put their stamp of approval on them. They too belong on a national registry."

Still, other parents at the meeting supported the books staying in the library

Scott Morgan said the removal of books has “nothing to do with protecting kids” and called the proposed measures a slippery slope to fascism. 

“Those books have stories in them about things that minority people go through in this country. I've heard in the back of the audience, the snickers and all these different things. ‘Oh, it's not about LGBTQ. Oh, it's not about critical race theory.’ You just happen to ban three books – one by a black woman, one by a lesbian and one is by a black man who was gay,” Morgan said. 

Having a daughter in the district, Morgan did not know how to explain their vote to her. 

“I don't want to have to explain to my kid why they live in a neighborhood that doesn't value the voices of black people, of gays or lesbians. I don't want to explain to my kid why my grandfather fought fascists in World War Two while we were burning books and banning stuff. Because they just want to have control over thought.” 

In contrast, Laura Freeman said that an “anything goes” approach is also a slippery slope. 

“I'm a mom, I'm a grandma and I believe in the right to innocence. I had exposures in perform at home when I was younger, and it was not good. It doesn't leave you very well,” she said. 

While all current students speaking at the meeting opposed the bans, one recent graduate of Nixa High School said the books should be removed from the shelves. 

“I truly believe that children have a right to innocence and their parents have a right to protect that innocence,” said Kyle Hulsebus, who is studying to become a teacher at Missouri State University. 

“As a future teacher, I know the boundaries of my job. Most schools are not tasked with raising or parenting their students, simply educating them. I think we've forgotten that. We have no right to overstep parents and introduce their children to inappropriate material without their permission.” 

Hulsebus also accused some teachers of “peddling radical gender theory and Critical Race Theory.” 

“It's no wonder that the trust between parents and teachers is pretty much gone. How many students need to be pulled out of our districts until we open our eyes and reconcile this behavior?” 

Hulsebus pointed to the protection of innocence as a core responsibility of adults toward children. 

“Some knowledge is too heavy for children. You can have access when you're older and stronger. For now, you must trust us to carry that burden. Innocence is a priceless commodity.” 

Others said children should able to contend with issues surrounding gender, sexuality and racial discrimination.

An MSU professor at the meeting said banning these books would “take away” the option to think critically and be introduced to diverse viewpoints. 

“You will take away the option for them to decide what things they want to believe in. Faith untested isn’t faith. Well, knowledge untested isn't knowledge either. It is in fact indoctrination,” said Elizabeth Dudash Buskirk, who has also had children and grandchildren in the district. 

“To the LGBTQ kids, to the black kids, to the Jewish kids, to the neurodivergent kids in Nixa schools ... you're telling them that they are not accepted in their own school districts," said parent Karen Perry.

While admitting students can access these materials off school grounds, Perry said their banning sends a dangerous message to queer and non-white students.

Speaker Cindy Dickens pushed back on claims that parents opposed these books because they centered on gay or black characters. 

"Too many of us have been called racist and homophobic. These are baseless accusations and dangerous rhetoric,” she said — noting that many of the other sixteen books were written by straight and white authors. 

That parents had to ask for this material is be reviewed is “outrageous” and “an embarrassment,” said speaker Rebecca Kauffman. 

“The three books being appealed are obscene. They have no place in any school building. Detailing graphic sexual deviancy, such as pedophilia and sexual sex, is too heavy for our kids to carry and is also illegal to distribute to minors,” she told the school board. 

Kauffman also called for the dismissal of any school official who approved such material in the library. 

“Staff members who violate this policy are supposed to be disciplined. Arguing for this pornographic material to be accessible to minors in a school building is failing to meet basic boundaries for our kids. Any Nixa school staff member who has reviewed these books and the sexual content and found it to be appropriate for kids needs to resign immediately.” 

Later in the meeting, Nixa high school students in attendance announced support for their librarian — saying they would stand in solidarity with them if fired. 

When another speaker called on the librarian to resign, one student booed loudly, interrupting the speaker. Before the board could call the meeting back into order, another person yelled at the booing student, "oh, shut up!"