Speaker to share Vietnam heritage at upcoming genealogical meeting

2022-06-10 19:52:35 By : Ms. Cindy Yang

A speaker will share experiences from her Vietnam heritage, education at universities in Taiwan and Oklahoma, and her work and life's challenges along the way during the June 15 meeting of the Oklahoma County Genealogical Group.

May Griffin, who has a doctorate in philosophy, pharmaceutical sciences/medicinal chemistry, will speak on "A Viet Nam Heritage and New American Generation" beginning at 10 a.m. at the Oklahoma County OSU Extension Center, 2500 NE 63.

Griffin also holds degrees in biochemistry and agricultural chemistry. She has been a member of adjunct faculties at both Oklahoma Christian University and the University of Central Oklahoma. Griffin is an Oklahoma State Regents Doctoral Scholar. Among her numerous honors and awards are the John B. Bruce Pharmaceutical Sciences Award for Outstanding Achievement in Medicinal Chemistry, and the Blanche E. Sommers Pharmaceutical Sciences Award.